Category: Leadership

3 Reasons Why Reaching College Students is Crucial for Reaching the World

As a college freshman, I wanted to make a name for myself. I was like most people, looking to do something meaningful with my life. But, by my sophomore year, I was struggling to believe in God. It was difficult but I struggled through the process of finding my own faith. I was so passionate about this newfound faith in…

How to Teach the Bible & Not Come Across Like a Pretentious Jerk

One of the worst things you can do when you teach the Bible is present yourself as someone whose got it all together. You’ll come across as an arrogant know-it-all who’s disconnected from reality. I learned this the hard way. Several years ago I did a 12 week series on issues related to teenagers and families. I didn’t realize it, but…

3 Reasons Why it’s Irresponsible NOT to Rest

We went on vacation after I’d been a youth minister for 15 months. I was tired and stressed. I could sense some things needed to change because I was running on fumes. The first night of vacation I wrote down a list of rules for myself. There was nothing earth shattering on the list. I felt kind of pathetic, honestly.…

Pain Propels

Have you ever wanted something really badly? Have you ever wanted something and believed that God was paving the way to make it happen only for it not to happen? This begins to describe the most painful parts of my life. You can probably relate. Maybe it was the new direction for your family that seemed obvious only for things…

Discipleship is Sharing | More Free Stuff

Sharing doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s almost like I’m hard wired to be selfish. I don’t think I’m alone. We don’t have to learn to be selfish, we come preprogrammed that way. For me, there’s one thing that has consistently made it hard to share. When I’m not sharing, more than likely, it’s because I’m insecure. If I share…